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HomeIFA Coding System

IFA Coding System

”IFA GmbH provides necessary specifications for machine readable and automated processing of data elements needed for coding in commodities management and logistics. “ more

HomeIFA for SuppliersNotification order documentsPZN Pre-Allocation – no publication of the PZN

PZN Pre-Allocation – no publication of the PZN

”Before the actual launch of a product you might need a PZN pre allocation to use in your catalogue brochure etc You may amend the data of the pre allocated PZN until its publication IFA Auftragstabelle A – PZN Pre allocation No further documents are needed to“ ... more

HomeIFA for Data RecipientsNew customersIFA information services

IFA information services

”The IFA information services are based on the main and key objects in the IFA database The central main object is the article A number of attributes are assigned to the article e g prices as well as further main objects linked to the article e g address Some of“ ... more

HomeIFA for Suppliers

IFA for Suppliers

”Are you looking for information on how to have your product data included in the IFA information services or for the assignment of a Pharmazentralnummer (PZN)? Or are your products already listed in the IFA database? Please choose accordingly among the following“ ... more



”Can I choose a PZN? | No, due to the fact that the PZN is a neutral identification key. It is generated automatically.“ more



”What purpose serves the attribute Verbandmittel gemäß § 31 Abs. 1a SGB V for data users? | Verbandmittel gemäß § 31 Abs. 1a SGB V may be prescribed or billed to the health insurer. Thus the correct notification is important to the supplier's“ ... more



”IFA Guidelines | PDF Richtlinien zu IFA-Darreichungsformen (527 KB) more



”IFA Guidelines | PDF Richtlinien zu Artikelstatus und Statuswechsel (326 KB) more



”IFA Guidelines | PDF Richtlinien für die Neuaufnahme von Arzneimitteln (227 KB) more



”What is a solitäres Fertigarzneimittel? | The attribute solitäres Fertigarzneimittel (solitary proprietary medicinal product) is used to notify packs of medicinal products that are excempt from the manufacturer's discount according to § 130a paragraph 3b SGB V“ ... more

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